Thursday, January 04, 2018

What do you mean, Good?

So yesterday, I had the conversation with Anou, regarding how her teacher thought her and another girl in her class were worthy of Kindergarten because she was 'good'.

I wanted to know what Anou understood by the word, good. So I brought up the subject today:

Milan: So yesterday, you were telling me Miss Shanta thought you and Sarvani are in Kindergarten and not other children in your classroom, because she thought you were GOOD.

What does she mean, good?

Anou: By good, she meant Responsible, Kind, and Decent.

Milan: (gets a pleasant shock, and wonders how she knew all those big words?)
Who taught you all these words?

Anou: Because they are all in the word 'Kindergarten'.

Milan: Ohhhhhh.

That explained a lot. I was beginning to think my 5-something daughter is a superhero!


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