Sunday, October 30, 2005

Rhymes of Paradigms

Skewed views. Oceans of notions. Wrecked aspects. Lots of thoughts. Steamy themes. Flimsy whimsies. Detrimental sentiments, and onions of opinions.

Here's another helping of my almost daily blog. I have no agenda whatsoever. Not that I used to... I am a compassionate soul, you know. I sense the disappointment when you type in my URL, and hit enter (or 'Go'), only to find the same old post that was posted a while ago. I empathize with you. That's why I came with this 'space filler'. But you know, idea and creativity are scarce to come by. And I know better than to flog my mind- it only works if I pat it.

Diben, Shalin, and moi were out having coffee. Coffee sucked, but the conversation didn't. I wonder whether Bakery Cafe, at least in some locations, has already become a has-been. There were only a few people, none of them of youth kind. and the waiters weren't that informed about the menu things. For example, Shalin ordered a 'Fresh Beans, Tall'. Then when Diben and I said 'Macchiato', the waiter asked 'That too tall?'. Then we hinted that macchiato comes in a universally standardized tiny cup, but the waiter gave no response. Also, to get someone's attention, we had to flail our arms about, the amount of effort put equaling that of calling a cab from opposite of a busy street.

But the visit was worthwhile. We solved some fundamental national problems. I naively predicted that the present political imbroglio cannot last for more than 5 years, coz the business community, which is getting more influential and more annoyed, is getting high inertia from the political interface. Also, the foreign bodies are increasingly getting 'interested' in Nepal's situation... so... blah-di-blah... there will be sooomeeeee change soon. There simply has got to be.

We also brainstormed, brooded over ideas, and came up with many-a-recommendation worthy of commendation. For instance, we all know that many national resources and conveniences of the mass are going down the drain simply because the public organizations do not coordinate activities. We came up with the idea to recommend HMG to conjure up a 'Bridger Act', which would give legal identity to Bridgers; bodies who coordinate, facilitate collaborations, and basically make our lives more live-able. To illustrate, allow me to state an example. Remember that time when the water supply guys were digging the road one day after the road department black-topped the place? Or, when NEA would declare a lights-out session when the water supply people turned on the taps to the valley, so that people could not use water pumps? Well, with a successful implementation of the Bridger Act, these will not happen.

Blech! Who am I kidding? Ok, end of story. I appreciated your visit to my blog. Good bye. I hope u come again and again. Bookmark it. Dogear it. And tell others about this silly site.

Oh, by the way, the title has nothing to do whatsoever about the content of this post. It just sounded interesting enough for a title.


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