Sunday, August 07, 2005

Harry Potter

I got hold of this Harry Potter series dvd, and I was bored one day, so watched all. J.K. Rowling has created this fantasy world where 'petrification' is a deadly threat to life, and being a Witch might mean a privilege. In the first movie, Sorcerer's Stone, there were interesting things, like chocolate frogs, Quidditch, and different versions of broomsticks (Nimbus 2000). But the story was too childish for me. Harry Potter is an orphan, so Rowling makes sure he gets all the good things in life. And some characters were quite cheesy: that Malfroy kid and Professor Snape.

However, I liked Chamber of secrets, and loved Prisoner of Azkaban. The magical world seemed to be more unpredictable (and hence better) after every volume. It gets darker and more mature, along with the characters in it. There are instances of death, kill, and murder. The apparent slaying of hippogriff Buckbeak, for example, might seem quite harsh for those who loved the Sorcerer's Stone.

There was also a tasty helping of time travel in the story, (the part in which Harry saves himself was interesting). The sad part of it was that this is not the only time that Harry feels tantalizingly close to meeting his parents (other one being seeing them in the mirror in the Sorcerer's stone).

Funny Lines
It was a pirated dvd. I had the subtitles on, as the names were getting complicated. To illustrate what good job the subtitlers have done, I have listed some of the translations. Not to prove any point, but just for the hilarity. The blue words are what it ought to say, and the words in green are what the subtitles read:

Ron: Oh no. The invisibility booster (in the flying car) must be faulty.

Oh no. We must be flowing.

What an extraordinary moment this is.
What a strong man he is.

he has no idea he will be leaving with my enire collective works.
... with my hectic work.

I'm going to check on the (some name) potion.
I'm going to check the patient.

Ron: (tasting the potion) Uhhh (grimace), essence of crab.
uhh... what a crap!

Weasley got himself a howler (referring to the screaming letter Ron receives from his mom).
Weasley got himself a hi-lo

Go on Ron, I had once from my grandaunt once. It was horrible.
Go on, Ron. I only flew the ground once.

Captain: I spent the whole of summer devising a whole new Quidditch program.
Captain: I've spent my summer revising a whole new credit for maths.

You got a new Seeker (as in the position in the Quidditch game)? Who?
You got a new secret? Who?

... that Hogwarts had been founded over a 1000 years ago by the 4 greatest witches and wizards of the Age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin
... (no subtitle)

The most hilarious dialogue in the movie:
"Grasp your mandrake and pull it out"


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