Friday, September 09, 2005

On Being Digitally Impartial

Ambidexterity- this has got to be a gift, right? You get to use more of your body. If one limb gets hurt, you can always use the other. Or you can just switch whenever you're bored. You won't have to worry about backswings in tennis (or it doesnt work that way?), and you will learn to 'lay up' from both sides of the basketball ring. And better, you can be doing two things at once.
Spiders and frogs use their left limbs and right limbs equally. I wonder why, in our case, one hand tends to dominate over the other. Is it because we have evolved into a complex organism? If so, what does being complex got to do with being lefty/righty? After all, we are almost perfectly symmetrical, at least from the outside.
Whatever the reason is, lefties tend to get picked at. The dexter hand is always preferred over the sinister. In some societies, sinisters are considered to have sided with the devil. Which reminds me, there used to be this games teacher in Kanti Iswari School. He used to say that you were supposed to do all good things with your right hand (write, eat, play), and the left hand was reserved for doing you know what. As a result the left-handed kids were thought to be abnormal.
My mindset took a turn after I observed a few of my lefty mates. Whether they kicked a football with a left foot or sketched with a left hand, they looked really cool. Maybe because they stood out from the crowd.
And in college, there was this ambidextrous professor; he would start writing from the top-left of the whiteboard with his left hand. When he's somewhere in the middle, he would change hands and continue until he reached the right end of the board. The handwriting was the same throughout. I always wondered which hand he used to sign documents. Or whether he could sign with either.
I have been practicing writing with my left hand. The writing does not look good yet, but it is still legible, and I am building up speed. I look for the time when I will be able to write with equal nimbleness with either of my hands.
Also, there are so many bimanual tasks that require similar use of both of our limbs- like swimming, typing, walking, running, or holding a basketball. When we type on our keyboards, both sets of fingers are equally employed- although important keys like 'Enter' and 'Delete/Backspace' are all on the right.

So yeah, I might never be an Ambidude lacking any lateral dominance. However, I at least try to divide the tasks between my arms (holding books, lifting a chair, opening a door, raising a hand in class, waving at somebody, eating from a plate, patting someone in the back, using the mouse). And I at times use left hands to jot down notes helps me to get through boring and slow classes. It has become an alternative to doodling!


Blogger Milan said...

It lies just off the coast of Mongolia. You can take a 20 minute train from Shanghai.

10:25 PM  

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