Saturday, October 01, 2005

Senseless at Lajana

It was (one of) the best party ever. The dj was operating in the terrace. And he was blissfully avoiding all the cliche songs (e.g., none of the 'Chandu ki chachi' or 'Just chill, just chill'). The alcohol was flowing comfortably. The Radisson logo in the background- I didnt even realize it for quite a while. Amit was there for Bhangra, although the DJ deigned to play only 'Tutak Tutak'... which was good enough for us to euphorically flail our limbs about.

The Aela was the ultimate. It was probably 70% spirit. A few drops landed on my wrists, which created cool spots by the quick evaporations. We could only have 2 shots of it- that also, only in sips. But we had countless bottles of beer, which made our night.

The dinner was tasty, but my taste buds could not grasp the phenomenon. Besides, we were with a few other Newars. We had a tummy-splitting bout of Newari vulgar/non-vulgar talks. That promptly digested my ingestions :)

Those of you who could have been at the party, but wasn't. Too bad. You missed one hell of a party. An equivalent of a minute of mourning for you.

I still feel the glow of Aela in my stomach. The visions of good things in the night are still fresh in my mind. The fact that I survived a test in the afternoon is only like a Deja Vu.


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