I have a Cold!
Which is faster, hot or cold? Hot, coz you can catch cold.
That's an age-old joke. But to me, it seems like cold catches me before I can even contemplate on catching it.
Here's my grabber:
Some flu-alluding silly rhymes:
You sneeze to a breeze and you snivel and drivel.
You sniffle and snuffle, whiffle n' be tousled.
You blow to make it flow, till it makes you low and slow.
You keep honking at your nose, and hawking at your throat,
till they hate you for your blows, and for the germs that u tote.
as your nose gets a congestion,
you get into a sniveling session
to clear of the mess, 'n
as if to learn a lesson
you concede to the coldification.
Cold's the worst affliction ever. For one, it's soo enduring. It stays with you forever.
Second, it is contagious, and so there is that guilt factor. You dont want to sit too near anyone. And there is a high likelihood that someone invariably gets cold from you, or at least pretends that he or she recently did.
Also, also- I don't smell anything. All I sense is burning smell of boiled potatoes. Ok, this is what always happens. First I get an itchy throat. Then it worsens to become a sore throat (what I refer to onomatopoeically as 'ghanti khyappa'), a flank attack on my tonsils. After that, the 'infection' spreads upwards and morphs into the phlegmatic stage. Then I catch cold. That's when things start cruisin' up and loosen up, and the nose starts getting funny and runny. And, to borrow another phamose joke, when feet start getting smelly, you have an upside down man (nose running, feet smelling- get it?).
The 'situation' sometimes degenerates into flu or para-flu. Or it might further worsen to 'Phlegma II' where the irritation descends towards my larynges, and I have to resort to taking antibiotics. Hmm. Why do I always try to gross you out?
My taste buds also take a serious beating. They literally get boiled or burnt out by the hot water that I either drink or gargle. Which reminds me. During the 'itchy throat' phase a few days back, I was doing gargle gargle to launch an offensive against the alien particles. So it was like... glarggg! glarggggle!gurrrrglegurgle!! glurgle glurgle!! Then my mom says... "HMM??". She thought I was conversing with her! Ok, not too funny, right? But then you should have been there. I was literally in coughing spasms.
So here are my nose woes and throat wrotes. Hear, my dear. Hark, its no bark in the park. Feel, you eel, as I kneel, its no easy deal, and takes to heal.
Ok, ok. I'll tell Simon to stop with the rhymin'. :)
That's an age-old joke. But to me, it seems like cold catches me before I can even contemplate on catching it.
Here's my grabber:
Some flu-alluding silly rhymes:
You sneeze to a breeze and you snivel and drivel.
You sniffle and snuffle, whiffle n' be tousled.
You blow to make it flow, till it makes you low and slow.
You keep honking at your nose, and hawking at your throat,
till they hate you for your blows, and for the germs that u tote.
as your nose gets a congestion,
you get into a sniveling session
to clear of the mess, 'n
as if to learn a lesson
you concede to the coldification.
Cold's the worst affliction ever. For one, it's soo enduring. It stays with you forever.
Second, it is contagious, and so there is that guilt factor. You dont want to sit too near anyone. And there is a high likelihood that someone invariably gets cold from you, or at least pretends that he or she recently did.
Also, also- I don't smell anything. All I sense is burning smell of boiled potatoes. Ok, this is what always happens. First I get an itchy throat. Then it worsens to become a sore throat (what I refer to onomatopoeically as 'ghanti khyappa'), a flank attack on my tonsils. After that, the 'infection' spreads upwards and morphs into the phlegmatic stage. Then I catch cold. That's when things start cruisin' up and loosen up, and the nose starts getting funny and runny. And, to borrow another phamose joke, when feet start getting smelly, you have an upside down man (nose running, feet smelling- get it?).
The 'situation' sometimes degenerates into flu or para-flu. Or it might further worsen to 'Phlegma II' where the irritation descends towards my larynges, and I have to resort to taking antibiotics. Hmm. Why do I always try to gross you out?
My taste buds also take a serious beating. They literally get boiled or burnt out by the hot water that I either drink or gargle. Which reminds me. During the 'itchy throat' phase a few days back, I was doing gargle gargle to launch an offensive against the alien particles. So it was like... glarggg! glarggggle!gurrrrglegurgle!! glurgle glurgle!! Then my mom says... "HMM??". She thought I was conversing with her! Ok, not too funny, right? But then you should have been there. I was literally in coughing spasms.
So here are my nose woes and throat wrotes. Hear, my dear. Hark, its no bark in the park. Feel, you eel, as I kneel, its no easy deal, and takes to heal.
Ok, ok. I'll tell Simon to stop with the rhymin'. :)
He he that was funny. Absolut Milan. No one beats u in fuoetry (funny-poetry). Anyways, nobody's getting cold from u this time, you already blogged it for public consumption. A warning note wud have done, my nose start itching already.
A career in the fast growing rap-industry, perhaps?
I can introduce you to Nirnaya the NSK (Naughty Soul Kid) who's "ma nepali..timi nepali...hami nepali" is an absolute gem.
Well, NSK's prittee cool kid, no doubt. Also, we did an FM program with him, Sunday Meltdown kyare. He was quite cool in person. Apologies for showing off!
Altho I wonder whether my messages fit his. He's all bright, flashy and hiphop, while mine's bleak, random, and silly.
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