Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Corporate Drudgery

(corporate humor) Got nothing to do? Call up a meeting!!

I was relieved that I did not have vermillioned ears or throat, the aftermaths of Holi. Although, by the records, I have never really enjoyed the festival firsthand (I meant all those colors and drenchings look cool on TV).

Not that I had much time to indulge in reveries. Insurmountable loads of work, undefined by the office hours...

(suddenly) Why do we wear ties? Now that has got to be a vestigeal apparel. It's basically a strip of eyecatching silk pointing towards your groin but tied around your neck that suspiciously is a euphemistic representation of a hangman's noose. Coincidence? Well, lets venture to differ, shall we? Ties, Cufflinks, Suspenders, Pants... think of the literal meanings...

Actually, I like my work- but I tend to throw off from the mouth when I feel stressed.


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