Milan Likes French
Now that I can afford to be bored, I realize that I do not want to be bored.
You know, French is one sexy language. If I get to choose a bride, the one who speaks French is going to get a LOT of bias from my side. Those of you already stretching your arms to get ahold of a copy of 'French for Dummies', slow down, because I am not marrying soon. Besides, I am balding. And short. So... simmer down!!
Tara you know, I am thinking- I should take french. I can say a few. One-to-Ten goes: Une Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq, Six, Sept, Huit, Neuf, Dix. Apart from that, I can say:
Je t'aime - I love you
Je t'adore - I adore you
Je parle Francais. Un peu. - I speak French. A little.
Je m'appelle Milan Pradhan.
Voulez Vous Coucher avec moi ce soir? - Would you like to sleep with me tonight?
Ok, ok. That's a line from that Lady Marmalade song by Beyonce and those other felines.
I knew a lot more phrases, but that's all I have at the top of my mind as of now. Also, I can swear in French. Some of palatable ones are:
Merde! (pronounced mayrd) - meaning, "Oh, Shit!"
Tu délires!? - Are you crazy??
Casse-toi : Piss off!
Mon dieu! : My God!
However, I am not going to include French in my list of languages in my CV. And I know I shouldn't, despite the temptations to do so. My personal rule of thumb is I have to know 1000 high frequency words of a language by heart to say that I know it.
You know, French is one sexy language. If I get to choose a bride, the one who speaks French is going to get a LOT of bias from my side. Those of you already stretching your arms to get ahold of a copy of 'French for Dummies', slow down, because I am not marrying soon. Besides, I am balding. And short. So... simmer down!!
Tara you know, I am thinking- I should take french. I can say a few. One-to-Ten goes: Une Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq, Six, Sept, Huit, Neuf, Dix. Apart from that, I can say:
Je t'aime - I love you
Je t'adore - I adore you
Je parle Francais. Un peu. - I speak French. A little.
Je m'appelle Milan Pradhan.
Voulez Vous Coucher avec moi ce soir? - Would you like to sleep with me tonight?
Ok, ok. That's a line from that Lady Marmalade song by Beyonce and those other felines.
I knew a lot more phrases, but that's all I have at the top of my mind as of now. Also, I can swear in French. Some of palatable ones are:
Merde! (pronounced mayrd) - meaning, "Oh, Shit!"
Tu délires!? - Are you crazy??
Casse-toi : Piss off!
Mon dieu! : My God!
However, I am not going to include French in my list of languages in my CV. And I know I shouldn't, despite the temptations to do so. My personal rule of thumb is I have to know 1000 high frequency words of a language by heart to say that I know it.
I know a few essential phrases:
ou est la toilette? - Where is the toilet?
je suis perdu - I am lost.
And if you happen to be in France, saying J'aime la France will probably score you some good points (I love France).
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